sâmbătă, 6 martie 2010

Caldura mare, moncher... 19.06.2007

Niste baieti au facut o harta pe baza previziunilor climatice si iata ce le-a iesit pentru anul 2071 - o altfel de harta a Europei. Cam pe unde o sa fie, climatic vorbind, orasele pe care noi le stim ca Stockholm, Helsinki, Londra, Paris, Roma... Berlinul nici nu mai e in Europa, e deja pe urmele lui Rommel (nu, nu e prietenul lui Jenel...), in Afrikakorps. Pe unde credeti ca va fi Bucurestiul copiilor si nepotilor nostri (eu unul nu cred ca apuc 103 ani, sincer...)? Ajungem pe unde e Cairo acum sau plutim in deriva pe Mediterana?
Eu zic sa plantam palmieri de pe acum, da-i dreq de plopi...
London’s climate will resemble that of the Portuguese coast;
Paris weather will resemble that of the Extremadura, in the interior of the Iberian peninsula;
Stockholm and Oslo are a bit further to the north, close together and close to Barcelona;
Barcelona itself will meteorologically migrate to northern Morocco;
while Berlin will situate itself weather-wise in the Algerian hinterlands of Kabylia;
Istanbul, the largest Turkish city, will move to the southern coast of that country;
and will be joined there by Rome, as its present-day climate will prove all but eternal;
Helsinki’s weather will resemble that of central Europe, southern Poland to be exact;
and finally, Saint Petersburg will come to feel like Belarus - although I’m not sure that’s much of an improvement

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