sâmbătă, 6 martie 2010


Nu "păsărica" Andreea Pană ci o păsărică adevarată, care a dorit să-şi păstreze anonimatul. Şi nu s-a răzbunat pe preşedintele-jucător, ci pe preşedintele pacificator. Iată ce relatează ABC... (aveţi răbdare câteva secunde să treacă reclama, după aceea urmează George)

Bush gets defecated on by bird

ABC’s Ann Compton reports: An outdoor news conference in perfect spring weather, with birds chirping loudly in the magnolia trees, is not without its hazards.

As President Bush took a question Thursday in the White House Rose Garden about scandals involving his Attorney General, he remarked, “I’ve got confidence in Al Gonzales doin’ the job.”

Simultaneously, a sparrow flew overhead and left a splash on the President’s sleeve, which Bush tried several times to wipe off.

Deputy White House Press Secretary Dana Perino promptly put the incident through the proper spin cycle, telling ABC News, “It was his lucky day…everyone knows that’s a sign of good luck.”

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